About the project

Who says insurance is hard? Probably everyone. According to many, the world of insurance consists of complex terms, incomprehensible concepts, and processes known only to experts. So why can’t everything, for everyone be simpler, easier to understand? Of course, it's possible.

Eureko Sigorta, the representative of Achmea -one of the world’s major insurance associates- in Turkey, is the leader of bancassurance in the industry. In the project kick-off meeting, Eureko Sigorta, aiming to enrich the existing customer base and provide a better user experience to their customers with different needs, informed us about recreating their website and online branch experiences as a way to break down the conventional insurance perception in people's minds and to construct an understanding that will extend from the present to the future.

Albert Einstein says: "It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom." With the difficulty and importance of this task on our mind; designing a unique and innovative experience to re-establish the rules in the world of insurance, we focused on users and started working.

Eureko Persona Template

We started the design process with persona creation and user experience strategy documentation, continued with customer experience journey maps; and finished with the integration of the quotation processes and updated content -which was defined in the user-oriented information architecture by us- into the website and online branch interfaces, offering an innovative experience from the start to the end.

The renewed face of Eureko Sigorta eliminates the cold, strict and complex, conventional insurance company stance, which people avoid. It reflects the lean, warm and close vision of the brand that sincerely appeals to users from all levels of insurance awareness.

Our services

  • Production and Resource Planning
  • UCDC (User Centered Design Canvas) Workshop
  • KPI Setting via Google HEART Framework
  • UXAAR! - UX Analytics Audit Report
  • Content Audit and Requirements Analysis
  • User Experience Strategy (UX Blueprint)
  • Information Architecture & Navigation
  • Content Map
  • Content Creation and Editing
  • Interaction Scenarios
  • Persona Definition
  • User Journey Design
  • Lo / Med / Hi-Fidelity Wireframe Design
  • User Interface Design

Defining the audience, their expectations,
and the solution process

The clearest summary of the project goal for Eureko Sigorta team, “A user experience design, at least 5 years ahead of competitors” was an important directive for us. For an experience design that would keep its innovative characteristic for at least five years, it was necessary to make a future projection as well as assessing the current state. This was only possible by offering current customers a better online experience, also appealing users from all levels of insurance awareness by creating a simple, understandable content and design concept.

First of all, we prepared an UXAAR report about the current user experience and identified the existing pain points. We also created a KPI list of the project using the HEART (Happiness, Engagement, Adoption, Retention, Task Success) Framework, and set the business objectives and metrics. We then conducted a UCDC (User Centered Design Canvas) workshop with the Eureko Sigorta team and identified the target audience, problems and solution suggestions with a user-oriented perspective, and put forward the unique value proposition.

Eureko Blueprint
Eureko Blueprint

We thoroughly analyzed the research report on the company's existing customers and created personas, then we created customer experience journey maps for these personas. Next, we composed a UX Strategy Blueprint document built on the insights we collected which became our reference while making design decisions.

Insurance for all

Subsequent to the content audit of the existing website and online branch, we have reconstructed the information architecture and navigation structure in a user-friendly form. We edited the static content to be included in the new structure to be more comprehensible for the users.

Eureko.com anasayfa


Based on standard form structure, we have redesigned the quotation flows in an interactive dialogue format which provides the user a dynamic experience. We conducted this unique experience as a first in Turkey. On the home page, with the “Why should I get insurance?” interactive section, targeting both existing and potential customers, we have offered the opportunity to discover that insurance is for everyone, but everyone who wants to secure themselves and their loved ones.

İlker Arabacı
İlker Arabacı

Eureko Sigorta Information Technology and Digital Channels
Executive Vice President

We are a leading insurance company aiming to provide the best service to our customers and to always be one step ahead of our competitors in doing so. Working with SHERPA on our website and online branch renovation process has been one of the best decisions we made, which expanded the innovative and user-oriented Eureko Sigorta vision remarkably.

The SHERPA team has been producing the most efficient solutions for the Eureko Sigorta customers by carefully analyzing the requirements and the processes to be carried out. Together, we have developed an approach that focuses on simplicity, covering all users with various levels of awareness about insurance. So, with SHERPA, we were able to create a website, far beyond our competitors in terms of both user experience and user interface design.

Through the experience design process, we have been in line with the agile project management principles; we have planned and followed the processes on ScrumDo. We used Slack and Skype to stay in constant instant communication, so we increased productivity. In the interface design phase, we have benefited from many collaborative working tools like RealtimeBoard, Invision and Zeplin.

As Eureko Sigorta team, each phase of the project was exciting for us; so were SHERPA’s deliverables. I believe our customers will share the same excitement after the designs are implemented. We are proud to take this pioneering step in the Turkish insurance industry, especially in the user experience field.